Our Beloved Founder

DR.D.John Ponnudurai indomitable will of dedication of hard work, of smart thinking of high ideals and goals have been carried on as a legacy in Educational field. The lives of many have been truly enriched because he touched them with courage, honesty, searching knowledge and infinite humanity. He has contributed a lot towards academics are still marvelous in our days. He emphasizes often that” Education is the Movement from Darkness to Light” A man of simple life and possessed high thoughts, tried to help lot of people and his acts of charity were appreciated by the general public till today. He was a man of courageous and encourages people to have a better life on earth. ”Arise and Shine” is the watch word of his entire life. He was a pioneer an initiator and a strong Apostolic builder in Educational field.
Chev.Sri.DR.D.John Ponnudurai
Founder - Chairman