Safety and Structure :

G.S.M.H.S.S which is situated in the city is well ventilated, having a healthy environment for the students. Both the building have spacious and big rooms comprising with good furniture and teaching aids. Teaching is done with advance teaching techniques.

Availabilities in the School :

  • An Audio- Visual instructions room equipped with audio-visual aids, like compact disc and tapes projectors etc.
  • Close circuit cameras are installed for proper control over the students and to have co-ordination with the teachers.
  • Well equipped computer labs having multi-media computers. The labs are having connectivity to high speed internet through Broad Band. The computer labs are also equipped with the wide range of application software’s.
  • High technological aids such as smart board, projector, television are properly installed. CCTV cameras are placed allover the school premises and at the ground.
  • Various playing equipment’s and teaching aids like swings, slides, toys, educational display charts, magnetic board, merry-go-round, Mickey Mouse, Busy betel car, Tunnel for play Group/ Nursery classes.
  • Free medical check – up : All the students have their free health check-up by a team of qualified Doctors once in a year and they are issued a health check-up card which can be followed up by their parents.
  • Library and reading room available for the students use.
  • The school provides purified water.
  • Periodic visits to Zoo and Picnic to emphasis on practical knowledge.
  • Various competitive activities are regularly conducted for the over all development of the child.

Good Shepherd App :

During the outbreak of the Pandemic. Our school , came out with an innovation of introducing an application for our own purpose, to interact with students and teachers. This paved way for the students to continue their education in an effective manner.