Sports and Games Activities:
Keeping the thought of fitness and health, the school organizes games and sports regularly. For that purpose the school hires stadium. A student who regularly plays sports and games develops a healthy body, develops better body strength an excellent co-ordination. These are the reasons we offer sports activities and games to all students who wished to get the skills under the guidance of a highly qualified sports coach (Both track and field events ; indoor and outdoor games).
Activities at GSMHSS
- The school prepares the students for interschool competitions and they come with flying colors & win many prizes.
- Medical check-up: All the students are given a free health check up by a team of qualified doctors once a year and they are issued a health check-up card which can be followed up by their parents.
- Periodic field visits and picnics are arranged for all students to encourage a wider outlook.
- Various competitive activities are regularly conducted for the overall development of the child.
- We offer sports activities and games to all students who wish to get the skills under the guidance of a highly qualified sports coach. (Both field and track events)